Clearly Better Commercial
Property Manager

Property Manager: Choosing an On-site or Off-Site

Selecting an on-site property manager for your commercial property is one of the most important decisions you’ll make as a property owner. Your onsite manager is your boots on the ground, your point of contact for your tenants, and your record keeper for your property’s agreements, insurance policies, and accounting records.

Your onsite manager should work well with you and your commercial property management company. Often, Clarity Commercial will find, hire, and manage onsite managers for the property owners we partner with. Here is what we expect our onsite managers to do and what we look for in an onsite manager.

Your Boots on the Ground at Your Property

Your onsite manager is responsible for the daily upkeep of your property. They should walk your property to make sure public areas are clean and safe. Things they should take note of include overflowing garbage cans, slick walkways, burnt-out lightbulbs, and sticky key mechanisms in doors.  While they may not perform maintenance and repairs themselves, the onsite manager should work with your landscaping service, cleaning company, and maintenance crew to ensure jobs are completed quickly and thoroughly. An effective onsite manager has an eye for detail and is able to coordinate one or more maintenance crews.

Tenants’ First Point of Contact is the Property Manager

In addition to serving the physical property, your onsite property manager is the first point of contact for your tenants. They answer the phones at the management office and are the first point of contact for tenant requests. Your onsite manager may also be responsible for keeping tenants current with rent and enforcing property policies. An effective onsite manager is approachable, friendly, and comfortable asking tenants to pay rent or comply with your property’s rules.

Review and Maintain Property Records

Lastly, your onsite property manager must be organized and familiar with your property’s records. At the management office, they will maintain accounting records, tenant files, and your property management agreement, as well as your property’s insurance policy. While they may not have all of these documents committed to memory, they should be knowledgeable about your property’s policies and know where to look for an answer when asked a question about a lease agreement, rental payment, or insurance claim. An effective onsite manager is well-organized and knowledgeable.

Having a knowledgeable and organized onsite property manager is essential for the success of any commercial property. This individual plays a crucial role in maintaining accurate records, ensuring compliance with policies and agreements, and handling important tasks such as rental payments and insurance claims.

One of the primary responsibilities of an onsite property manager is to maintain accounting records. This includes keeping track of all financial transactions related to your property, such as rent collection, utility payments, maintenance expenses, and more. These records are vital for accurately assessing the financial health of your property and making informed decisions about its management.

Tenant files are another key aspect that falls under the purview of an onsite manager. These files contain important information about each tenant, including their lease agreement, payment history, communication logs, and any other relevant documents. Having organized and up-to-date tenant files is crucial for resolving disputes, tracking lease renewals, and maintaining a positive relationship with your tenants.

In addition to financial and administrative tasks, onsite managers also play a crucial role in ensuring the safety of the property and its tenants. They are responsible for conducting regular property inspections to identify potential hazards or maintenance issues. They also oversee emergency procedures such as fire drills, evacuation plans, and responses to natural disasters.

Onsite property managers are also deeply involved in the leasing process. This includes marketing vacant units, screening potential tenants, conducting tours of the property, and preparing lease agreements. By thoroughly vetting applicants and finding qualified renters, an onsite manager can help minimize turnover rates and maintain a fully tenant property.

These are just a few of the things Clarity Commercial looks for when hiring an onsite manager. We can help you find and manage your next manager, so you can focus on growing your property portfolio. Contact the Clarity team to get started on your onsite manager

For more information or to request a free estimate, visit their website at or give us a call at (952) 370-224-2699.

Affiliations & Credentials: We are proud members of IREM, CCIM and MNCAR along with various professional organizations and hold relevant certifications in the real estate management field. Our affiliations and credentials demonstrate our commitment to excellence and our ongoing efforts to stay up-to-date with industry best practices.

Property Manager


Commercial Lease Renewals - retain commercial tenants

2021 Renovations and Property Improvements to Consider

Property Improvements

As the economy and Twin Cities real estate market continue to be affected by the prolonged effects of the pandemic, many property owners are thinking of creative ways to attract tenants to their buildings. While some have put 2021 building renovations on hold, there are several property improvements property owners can make to help them retain current tenants and attract new ones.

COVID-19 Health and Safety Renovations

The smartest improvements you can make to your commercial properties are those that assure tenants that your building is safe to occupy during the pandemic. A very affordable option is to simply advise tenants on how to configure their spaces to accommodate social distancing. Help them rearrange desk space or use your buying power with your vendors to offer low-cost sanitizing and personal protective equipment to your tenants.

You may also make long-term improvements to your building’s HVAC system and communal areas. Consider updating your air distribution system to improve indoor air quality and remove contaminants. In common areas, consider replacing soft furniture with hard surfaces that can be wiped down and disinfected frequently. You may wish to replace your current countertops with antimicrobial options now on the market. Motion-sensor lighting, automatic doors, and cloud-based controls for the AV in shared conference rooms can also keep your tenants safe. All of these improvements are selling points for potential new tenants.

Sustainability and Property Improvements

While health and safety improvements meet an urgent demand, renovating your commercial buildings to be more sustainable will help you attract tenants and save money in the long run. Improving the energy efficiency of your building lowers your heating and cooling costs, keeps building occupants more comfortable, and is a major selling point for green-minded tenants.

Upgrading your building’s HVAC system not only improves air quality, but it can also save you money in the long run. Efficient systems are more cost-effective to run and reduce your heating and cooling bills. So can energy-efficient windows and doors that help stabilize your building’s temperature, keeping it cooler in summer and warmer in winter. Upgrading your lighting to efficient LED bulbs can save you money in maintenance and electricity bills. Plus, the costs of upgrading lighting can be spread out over several years if you tackle one area of your building at a time.

But what about the initial cost of these upgrades? Many building owners and managers are hesitant to make changes that require a large upfront investment. However, with the right planning and budgeting, these upgrades can actually pay for themselves over time.

One way to start is by conducting an energy audit of your building. This will give you a better understanding of where your energy usage is coming from and where you can make improvements. From there, you can create a plan of action for upgrading your systems in a cost-effective manner.

Another option is to look into financing options specifically tailored for energy efficiency upgrades. Some utility companies offer rebates or incentives for making certain energy-efficient upgrades, which can help offset some of the initial costs. Additionally, there are government programs and tax credits available for businesses that invest in energy-efficient upgrades.

Beyond the financial benefits, investing in energy efficiency is also a way to demonstrate your company’s commitment to sustainability and reduce its environmental impact. This can not only attract environmentally conscious customers, but it can also improve employee morale and attract top talent who value working for environmentally responsible companies.

The benefits of energy-efficient upgrades extend beyond just cost savings and environmental impact. With newer systems and equipment, you can often see improved performance and productivity. For example, installing LED lighting can not only save on electricity costs, but it also provides better-quality lighting compared to traditional fluorescent bulbs.

In addition to conducting an energy audit, it’s important to regularly assess your building’s energy usage and look for areas where improvements can be made. This could include upgrading to ENERGY Star-certified equipment, installing motion sensors for lighting, or implementing a building automation system to optimize energy usage.

Not only will these upgrades save you money in the long run, but they also demonstrate your commitment to sustainability and can even improve your company’s overall image. In today’s increasingly environmentally conscious society, consumers are actively seeking out businesses that align with their values. By being proactive in reducing your carbon footprint and promoting energy efficiency, you can attract new customers who prioritize sustainability.

It’s more important than ever to attract and maintain good tenants. Building renovations and improvements are a solid strategy for keeping your building competitive in the leasing market. For more tips on how to attract tenants, contact the Clarity Commercial team today.

For more information or to request a free estimate, visit their website at or give us a call at (952) 370-224-2699.

Affiliations & Credentials: We are proud members of IREM, CCIM and MNCAR along with various professional organizations and hold relevant certifications in the real estate management field. Our affiliations and credentials demonstrate our commitment to excellence and our ongoing efforts to stay up-to-date with industry best practices.

Real Estate Marketing - Commercial Lease Renewals

5 Commercial Real Estate Marketing Tips to End 2020 Strong

Real Estate Marketing

There’s no sugar-coating it—many commercial property owners have taken a hit this year. The hospitality, retail, and office markets have all experienced losses as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s more important than ever for commercial real estate owners to market their available space. Tenants are still out there, they just may be more difficult to find. That’s what it often pays off to work with a trusted management partner like Clarity Commercial.

Here are few tips for marketing your commercial property to prospective tenants.

1. Do Your Research on Real Estate Marketing

Before you put your commercial space up for lease, do your research. Even if you’re a veteran property owner, the leasing landscape has changed dramatically since the start of the year. Take some time to look at what’s currently on the market, how long these properties have been available, and the types of spaces that are attracting tenants. Know the average vacancy rate for your area. Use all of this data to set realistic expectations for your own space.

2. Real Estate Marketing: Know Your Target Market

Once you understand your area’s commercial real estate market, it’s time to think about who your prospective tenants are. What are they looking for in their new space? Location, parking availability, broadband or fiber optic internet, utility hookups, and current build-out may all be factors in their leasing decision. So are the leasing terms, such as monthly rent and length of the lease. By understanding your target market, you can tailor your listing specifically to their needs and reduce the time your space is available for lease.

Real estate marketing should include your brand voice, which is an important aspect to consider when creating your commercial real estate listings. It not only helps to differentiate yourself from competitors but also establishes trust and credibility with potential tenants. Your brand voice should be consistent across all platforms, including your website, social media pages, and property listings.

When developing your brand voice, think about the type of message you want to convey to your audience. Are you a professional and serious company? Or do you have a more playful and friendly approach? Consider the tone and language you use in your content as well. Do you use formal language, or do you prefer a more casual tone?

Another important factor in establishing your brand voice is knowing who your target real estate market is. This ties back to understanding the commercial real estate market and the specific demographics of potential tenants. If your target audience is mostly young professionals, you may want to use a more modern and trendy tone in your content. On the other hand, if you are targeting businesses in a traditional industry, a more professional and formal brand voice may be more effective.

Your brand voice should also reflect your company’s values and mission. If sustainability and eco-friendly practices are important to your company, incorporate language that conveys these values into your content. This not only helps differentiate yourself from competitors but also attracts like-minded tenants who align with your values.

Consistency is key when it comes to establishing and maintaining your brand voice. Make sure all employees are on the same page and understand the tone and messaging that should be used with real estate marketing ideas.

3. Create an Outstanding Listing

With your market research complete, you’re ready to create an outstanding listing for your leasable space. Your knowledge of your local area will help you set competitive lease terms, and understanding your prospective tenants will help you create a listing that speaks to their needs.

We suggest you use photos and video to allow the property to sell itself. Keep your description engaging, short, and focused on the property’s features. Use bullet points to share important information. Don’t forget to ask people to schedule a showing or contact you to learn more.

4. Spread the Word

There are many different ways to promote your property. Traditional methods such as flyers, mailings, signage, and cold calling are all viable ways to reach potential tenants. So are online listings on your website, social media posts, and online advertising. You’ll want to employ several different methods to reach prospective tenants.

5. Get Help When You Need It

Effectively marketing your leasable spaces plays an important role in the fiscal health of your commercial real estate portfolio. If you don’t have the time or the expertise to market your spaces, consider getting some help from a commercial property management company.

The Clarity Commercial team helps commercial property owners market, fill, and manage their commercial spaces. For help marketing your leasable space, contact Clarity Commercial today.

For more information or to request a free estimate, visit their website at or give us a call at (952) 370-224-2699.

Affiliations & Credentials: We are proud members of IREM, CCIM and MNCAR along with various professional organizations and hold relevant certifications in the real estate management field. Our affiliations and credentials demonstrate our commitment to excellence and our ongoing efforts to stay up-to-date with industry best practices.

Maintenance for Commercial Properties

IREM Events Can Help Commercial Property Managers Find Success in Their New Normal

The last few months have been challenging for commercial property professionals and businesspeople across Minnesota. Everyone is struggling to define how they will conduct business in their new normal. The Institute of Real Estate Management (IREM) offers networking and educational opportunities for commercial property managers to help them expand their connections and keep their skills current.

IREM 2020 Golf Tournament | August 3

Blow off some steam and make connections at the IREM 2020 Golf Tournament. Join fellow golfers at the Mendakota Country Club for a day on the course. The tournament will follow the COVID-19 tournament guidelines from the Minnesota Golf Association to ensure everyone stays safe. It will be a great opportunity to meet other commercial property professionals and vendors, so register yourself or an entire team today.

Register for the IREM Golf Tournament on the IREM website.

Online – Virtual CPM Capstone | September 14

The pandemic shouldn’t put a stop on your career development. The IREM CPM Capstone course will prepare you for the MPSA and CPM exams (scheduled separately). Review key commercial property management concepts and management plan skills and learn tips for completing the MSPA and CPM exams. Participants will earn IREM certification credits.

Enroll on the IREM website.

Online – Marketing and Leasing Strategies for Office Buildings | September 23

This day-long course will help you secure new tenants, maximize your available space, and make more money for your property owners. Learn all about lease types, market analyses, and how to attract and retain good tenants. Participants will also learn how to create a leasing plan for the office buildings in their portfolios. Course meets CPM and ACoM requirements.

Enroll on the IREM website.

Online – Budgeting, Cash Flow, and Reporting for Investment Real Estate | November 10

This day-long course will use several real-life case studies to illustrate budgeting, cash flow, and reporting for commercial properties. Participants will learn all of the accounting and budgeting skills they need to meet property owners’ goals for their portfolios. This course meets the requirements for CPM, ARM, and ACoM.

Enroll on the IREM website.

Clarity Commercial owner Mel Schultz, CPM, CCIM, CCAM, is an active member of IREM and is passionate about continuing education in the commercial real estate industry. For more information about IREM and how our participation in the organization helps you, contact Clarity Commercial today.

Audit Your Property's Security - property security

Audit Your Property’s Security Features

Audit Your Property's Security - property security

The security and safety of your commercial property is an ongoing concern. Not only do you want to ensure your physical building is protected, you also need to make sure its occupants are safe. An audit of your property’s security features can give you a clearer understanding of how well your building is protected and identify areas where you can make improvements.

Review Your Access Control System to enhance property security

Your property’s access control system serves several functions. It allows authorized people to enter and exit your building. It limits occupant access to the parts of your building their job or visit requires. Access control also prevents unauthorized visitors from gaining access to your building and alerts you when someone has entered your building by force.

Some access control systems are as simple as a master key system. But the most effective ones use cutting-edge technologies to keep properties safe. It is common for buildings to use passcodes, keycards and fobs, and even biometrics to manage access and monitor building occupants. Some use Bluetooth technology to allow visitors to open doors from their smart phones.

How does your access control system measure up? Are you still handing out physical keys, or have you upgraded to a more secure system? If you have multiple tenants, a mix of common spaces and private offices, or high occupant turnover, investing in a smarter access control system may pay off for you. Clarity Commercial can help you find the solution that’s right for you.

Take Another Look at Your Video Security and Surveillance

Security cameras and video surveillance technology has improved leaps and bounds over the last decade or so. If you are using an outdated system with fixed cameras and grainy, black-and-white video that’s accessible only on physical tapes, it’s time to upgrade.

Today’s video security systems use state-of-the-art technology to monitor your property. Cameras can rotate and provide crystal-clear HD video with color and night vision. Systems now store videos on the cloud so you can monitor them anytime, anywhere. Cameras are smaller and less conspicuous, so you can install more to cover more area. If you haven’t updated your video surveillance in a few years, it’s time to take another look.

Review Your Building Systems Monitoring and Alerts

While intruders, thieves, and vandals are the top targets of most security systems, your building’s systems can also do some major damage if a failure goes unnoticed. Many fire suppression, HVAC, water, and electrical systems now include monitoring systems that alert you immediately if a failure or outage has occurred. This allows you to take immediate action to remedy the situation and keep your building safe.

Building security and safety is a concern all year long. This summer, take some time to audit your property’s security features to uncover ways you can keep your building and its occupants safer. For help finding the right security solutions, contact the Clarity Commercial team today.

For more information or to request a free estimate, visit their website at or give us a call at (952) 370-224-2699.

Affiliations & Credentials: We are proud members of IREM, CCIM and MNCAR along with various professional organizations and hold relevant certifications in the real estate management field. Our affiliations and credentials demonstrate our commitment to excellence and our ongoing efforts to stay up-to-date with industry best practices.

Property Managers

Ways Property Managers Can Help Their Tenants Open Safely during COVID-19

A Note on COVID-19

The Clarity Commercial team is watching the COVID-19 pandemic closely and is following all guidelines from the CDC and the State of Minnesota. Our team is stepping up hand hygiene and practicing social distancing to help slow down the spread of the virus and ensure we are healthy and able to serve you and your properties through the pandemic.

The COVID-19 pandemic is unlike any public health crisis we have faced in our lifetimes. Over the last three months, many businesses in Minnesota moved to remote work or were forced to shut down to prevent the spread of the virus. Now, Governor Walz is slowly reopening the state, and many businesses are back to work.

But back to work does not mean back to normal. Businesses are required to work at 50 percent occupancy and take precautions to ensure the health and safety of their staff and patrons. This can be an enormous task for small businesses. Property managers are in an excellent position to lend a hand and be an advisor for their tenants. Here is how a property manager can help tenants open safely during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Understand Who Is Allowed to Reopen When Covid-19

On May 18, Governor Walz’s Stay Safe order went into effect, allowing many businesses to reopen under strict circumstances. Businesses that were allowed to reopen included retail stores, malls, and businesses that sell, rent, maintain, or repair goods.

Bars and restaurants could continue to be open for delivery and takeout service only. Hair salons, spas, tattoo parlors, and nail salons are not allowed to reopen until June 1. Additionally, companies whose staffs were working remotely must continue to do so.

Help Tenants Enforce Social Distancing Rules

Enforcing social distancing within a business requires some planning. Offer to help your tenants reconfigure their break rooms, shop floors, office space, and retail floors to ensure staff and patrons can maintain at least six feet of distance. Some businesses will need to limit the number of people in their space at one time, which may include staggering work schedules and asking patrons to wait in their cars until it is safe to enter.

Temporary signage is a helpful tool for enforcing social distancing. Wayfinding signs and floor decals can help keep people six feet apart and inform people of a tenant’s social distancing policies. Offer to help source these items for your tenants using your own professional network.

Support Tenants’ Efforts to Sanitize Their Spaces

Maintaining a healthy and sanitary space will be another top priority for your tenants. They will need to frequently clean high-touch surfaces such as door handles and point-of-sale devices and provide hand sanitizer for staff and patrons. Many will require staff members to wear masks and wash their hands frequently.

Property managers can support their tenants’ efforts to maintain clean and safe spaces. Ensure your team is cleaning and sanitizing common areas frequently, including lobbies, meeting rooms, and bathrooms. Consider how you can make it easier for your tenants to purchase hand sanitizer, cleaning products, and masks.

Keeping our community healthy and safe is everyone’s responsibility. Property managers can play their part by supporting their tenants as they reopen safely. For more information about how Clarity Commercial can support you and your business during this time, contact us today.

Maintenance for Commercial Properties

Building a Realistic Budget Projection for Your Commercial Properties

Commercial Property Management in Minnesota
Budget Projection

A Note on COVID-19

The Clarity Commercial team is watching the COVID-19 pandemic closely and is following all guidelines from the CDC and the State of Minnesota. Our team is stepping up hand hygiene and practicing social distancing to help slow down the spread of the virus and ensure we are healthy and able to serve you and your properties through the pandemic.

You have a portfolio of properties, but do you have a sense of the income you generate from these properties over the course of a month or a year? How about your expenses? If an unforeseen expense pops up at your property, can your budget handle it? A budget projection answers all of these questions and helps you maintain a healthy and successful commercial property portfolio.

How Budget Projections Help You Manage Your Commercial Properties

Creating a budget projection for your portfolio of properties will help you work toward your financial goals. Most property owners have a sense of the revenue their properties bring in as well as the monthly cost to manage those properties. A budget projection puts concrete numbers to every income stream and expense over a 12-month period. Not only does this give you a more accurate understanding of the health of your portfolio, it provides milestones for you to hit as you work toward your financial goals.

Budget projections help you anticipate and mitigate problems that may arise later in the year. You can use the data from current and past months to manage loss of income or extra expenses down the road. Your budget projection may help you identify the best time to complete a building improvement or step up your marketing.

Use a Current Year or Rolling 12-Month Budget Projection

Budget projections should cover a 12-month period. Some property owners choose to project over a calendar or fiscal year (January to December or July to June, for example), while others choose to use a rolling 12-month model. Use your leasing calendar to decide which model will work best for you. Whatever model you choose, update the data monthly so you have a clear idea of the health of your portfolio and your projections stay accurate and realistic.

Include a Cash Forecast

A cash forecast is one element of a budget projection. Rather than income, a cash forecast projects your portfolio’s cash flow. Cash forecasts are extremely helpful in budgeting for maintenance, improvements, and unforeseen expenses. Some property owners break down cash forecasts weekly rather than monthly for an accurate look at cash flow for a particular month.

Consider Adding a 3- to 5-Year Outlook

While budget projections are most useful if they look at 12-month period, it can be helpful to use your budget projections to forecast a three- to five-year outlook. While you can’t predict the future, you can take an educated guess at your portfolio’s outlook based on past performance, market trends, and the strength of the economy. Thinking three to five years ahead can help you plan strategically and develop long-term financial goals for your portfolio.

Budget projections are an essential part of managing a successful commercial property portfolio. Clarity Commercial can help you put together a projection that helps you understand your revenue streams, expenses, and make a plan for future growth.

For help creating a budget projection for your portfolio, contact Clarity Commercial today.


For more information or to request a free estimate, visit their website at or give us a call at (952) 370-224-2699.

Affiliations & Credentials: We are proud members of IREM, CCIM and MNCAR along with various professional organizations and hold relevant certifications in the real estate management field. Our affiliations and credentials demonstrate our commitment to excellence and our ongoing efforts to stay up-to-date with industry best practices.

Commercial Lease Renewals - retain commercial tenants

5 Tips for Negotiating Commercial Lease Renewals

Real Estate Marketing - Commercial Lease Renewals
empty strip mall with pastel stucco and stone accents

Much can be found online to help tenants negotiate favorable Commercial lease renewals. But fewer resources exist for landlords when it is time for them to negotiate a commercial lease renewal. Clarity Commercial works with property owners to help them secure lease renewals from their tenants. Here are a few of our team’s tips for making sure your interests are protected in the process.

1. Standardize Your Lease Forms

Standardizing your lease forms has several benefits. First, it saves you a lot of time that you might otherwise spend recreating lease agreements. Work with your attorney to create one or two lease agreements with standardized language and terms. Then, when it is time for a tenant to renew their lease, you can simply provide them your standardized form and trust that you have the details and contingencies covered.

2. Offer Long Lease Terms in a Commercial Lease Renewals

Longer lease terms can save you time and money. They guarantee that you will have steady monthly income coming in from your properties over three to ten years without having to continually fill space with new tenants, which can be costly. Longer lease terms also benefit tenants who wish to maximize their investment in renovations and other tenant improvements.

3. Consider Relocation Rights

If you own a commercial property with multiple suites, a relocation rights clause can help you make sure you are managing that property in the most efficient way possible. Sometimes, it is necessary to ask a tenant to move spaces to accommodate another tenant who wishes to expand or downsize their space. Adding a relocation rights clause to your lease agreements can give you the right as a landlord to ask tenants to relocate to another suite in your property.

4. Offer a Triple Net Lease to Cover Common Area Maintenance

Determining maintenance costs should not cause headaches when it is time for you to renew a lease. We encourage many property owners to offer triple net leases to tenants, which offers a better return to landlords than the flat fees included in modified gross leases. However, calculating maintenance costs for a triple net lease can be difficult, so work with an experienced property management company like Clarity Commercial to maximize your ROI.

5. Protect Your Interests When Offering Tenant Improvement Allowances

It is common for landlords to negotiate improvement allowances with tenants to help them cover the costs of renovations. Offering allowances for tenant improvements can help you attract and retain long-term tenants. To protect your investment in tenant improvements, you can choose to stipulate that you will own any permanent fixtures and improvements your tenants make if and when they move out of their space. Or, you can ask tenants to use contractors you trust to perform the work.

At My Clarity Commercial, we understand the importance of creating a mutually beneficial relationship between landlords and tenants. That’s why we offer guidance on tenant improvement allowances to help you maximize your return on investment while also providing a positive experience for your tenants.

When negotiating an allowance for tenant improvements, it is important to consider the specific needs and wants of each tenant. This can include factors such as the type of business they are running, their target market, and their budget. By understanding these details, you can tailor your improvement allowance to best suit their needs while also ensuring that your investment is protected.

One way to protect your investment in tenant improvements is by stipulating ownership of permanent fixtures and improvements made by the tenant. This means that when the tenant moves out, they cannot take these improvements with them and you will be able to benefit from any value they added to the property. It is important to clearly outline this in the lease agreement to avoid any conflicts or misunderstandings.

Another beneficial aspect of tenant allowances is the ability to attract and retain high-quality tenants. By offering a generous allowance for improvements, you are showing potential tenants that you are invested in their success and willing to work with them to create a space that meets their needs. This can help attract reputable businesses and increase tenant retention rates as they have already made investments in customizing their space.

Commercial lease renewals do not have to be time-consuming or cumbersome. Let Clarity Commercial take care of the legwork for you. For help managing your commercial leasing, contact our team today

For more information or to request a free estimate, visit their website at or give us a call at (952) 370-224-2699.

Affiliations & Credentials: We are proud members of IREM, CCIM and MNCAR along with various professional organizations and hold relevant certifications in the real estate management field. Our affiliations and credentials demonstrate our commitment to excellence and our ongoing efforts to stay up-to-date with industry best practices.

Commercial Founder Mel Schultz

Join Us for These IREM Minnesota Events This Winter

The winter season is an excellent time to brush up on professional development. For commercial property managers, the Institute of Real Estate Management (IREM) is the best place to pursue continuing education. IREM Minnesota hosts events throughout the year for managers to hone their skills, pursue certification, and give back to their communities.

Here’s a look at the events coming up this winter at IREM Minnesota.

Ethics for the Real Estate Manager Course – January 29

IREM Minnesota starts the year off on a high gear with Ethics for the Real Estate Manager (ETH800), a course required for the ACoM, CPM, ARM, and AMO certifications. It’s taught by our very own Mel Schultz.

The day-long course will cover IREM’s code of ethics and give participants a chance to study real-world ethics cases and the implications they have on commercial property managers and their clients. The course will also cover strategies for overcoming ethical dilemmas and avoiding conflicts of interest.

Ethics for the Real Estate Manager also qualifies for 4 hours of continuing education for property managers. To register, visit

Volunteering at People Serving People – February 10

IREM Minnesota members volunteer at People Serving People the second Monday of every month. People Serving People is a family-focused shelter that helps break the cycle of homelessness for families. The volunteers serve meals to the shelter’s residents.

This event is open to members and their colleagues, friends, and family members. To register, visit

Northland Mechanical and IREM Minnesota Present Celebrate IREM! – February 21

Celebrate IREM! is the organization’s opportunity to reflect on the past year and celebrate successes. Attendees will enjoy cocktails, a plated dinner, awards presentation, volunteer recognition, gaming tables, and live music.

IREM members, partners, plus ones, and non-IREM property managers are all welcome. To register or sponsor a gaming table, visit

Roundtable: Fenestration Field Testing – March 18

Terracon Consultants representatives Allen Witt and Ryan Nierengarten will hold a roundtable discussion on fenestration field testing this March. The discussion will cover ASTM methods for field testing and the differences between ASTM standards and AAMA standards.

By the end of the roundtable, participants will be able to identify different fenestration testing standards and determine when each are appropriate to use. To register, visit

Virtual CPM Capstone – March 23–March 27

This virtual event allows participants to complete their CPM capstone projects without spending time in a physical classroom. The course is designed for CPM candidates who still need to complete their management plans and the CPM Certification Exams. It offers participants the chance to take the Management Plan Skills Assessment as an alternative to submitting an independent management plan. On the last day, CPM candidates take the CPM Certification Exam.

To register for the virtual CPM capstone, visit

Clarity Commercial a proud, active member of IREM Minnesota. Our founder Mel Schultz serves as a senior vice president of the Minnesota IREM chapter. For more information on IREM or commercial property management, contact the Clarity team.

Commercial Property

Commercial Property Snow and Ice Care

The holiday season is here, and Mother Nature has already provided the perfect snowy backdrop for our holiday gatherings. And while we may appreciate the lovely look of fresh snow, its arrival can cause headaches at our commercial properties. Here are a few things to keep in mind when preparing your commercial property for winter weather.

Commercial Property: Contract with a Dependable Snow Removal Company

If you are a customer of Clarity Commercial, then your snow removal is already covered. We partner with the best snow removal companies in the area to keep our customers’ parking lots and walkways clear and safe.

Whoever you decide to work with for your snow removal needs, here’s what to expect. Your snow removal crew may stop by before a storm hits to pretreat your driveway, parking lot, and walkways. Then, they will clear your parking lots and walkways as soon as the snow stops falling. A follow-up crew will stop by to treat your surfaces with deicer to prevent your employees and visitors from slipping and sliding as they come and go from your building.

Keep Icy Surfaces Clear and Safe

Winter storms can leave icy messes behind. So can fluctuating temperatures that cause snow to melt and then refreeze. Staying on top of ice ensures that you keep your parking lots and walkways safe throughout the winter.

Clarity Commercial’s trusted partners have the equipment and trained staff to pretreat and remove ice buildup from your parking lot and walkways all season long. You may see your crew out before a forecasted storm to pretreat your outdoor surfaces. They will likely stop by afterwards to treat any lingering icy areas, too. Expect to see them back after a January thaw to make sure melting snow hasn’t created unsafe conditions at your property.

At Clarity Commercial, we understand the importance of safety for your employees and customers during the winter season. That’s why we have partnered with trusted companies that have the necessary equipment and trained staff to pretreat and remove ice buildup from your parking lot and walkways all season long.

Our team takes a proactive approach to prevent any potential hazards caused by icy conditions. Before a forecasted storm, our crew will be out on your property to pretreat all outdoor surfaces, ensuring that your sidewalks and parking areas are safe for use. And even after the storm has passed, you can expect our team to return and treat any lingering icy spots.

But our service doesn’t stop there. We also make sure to come back after a January thaw to check for any areas that may have refrozen and provide additional treatment as needed. This ensures that your property remains safe and accessible throughout the entire winter season, without any interruptions or delays.

In addition to ice removal services, we also offer snow plowing and shoveling services to keep your property clear and functional. Our team is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment, including plows, blowers, and shovels to efficiently remove snow from your parking lot, sidewalks, and other outdoor spaces.

We understand the importance of maintaining a clean and safe environment for both employees and customers during the winter months. That’s why our team is available 24/7 to handle any unexpected snowfall or icy conditions. You can rely on us to be there when you need us and ensure that your property is well-maintained at all times.

Our snow removal services are not just limited to commercial properties. We also offer residential snow and ice management, so you can trust us to take care of your home during the winter season as well. Our team is trained and experienced in safely removing snow from roofs, driveways, and walkways without causing any damage.

We know that every property is different, which is why we offer customizable plans to fit your specific needs. Whether you require daily, weekly, or on-call snow removal services, we will work with you to create a plan that fits your budget and keeps your property safe and accessible.

Snow and ice are part of a Minnesota winter, but they don’t have to put your visitors and employees at risk of slipping and falling. Clarity Commercial can help you keep your property safe this winter. Contact us today to get started on your snow removal and maintenance plan.

For more information or to request a free estimate, visit their website at or give us a call at (952) 370-224-2699.

Affiliations & Credentials: We are proud members of IREM, CCIM and MNCAR along with various professional organizations and hold relevant certifications in the real estate management field. Our affiliations and credentials demonstrate our commitment to excellence and our ongoing efforts to stay up-to-date with industry best practices.

Snow Removal Service - For more information or to request a free estimate, visit their website at or give us a call at (952) 370-224-2699. Affiliations & Credentials: We are proud members of IREM, CCIM and MNCAR along with various professional organizations and hold relevant certifications in the real estate management field. Our affiliations and credentials demonstrate our commitment to excellence and our ongoing efforts to stay up-to-date with industry best practices.

Commercial properties