Commercial Real Estate Management

Commercial Real Estate Management Continuing Ed Opportunities

Clarity Commercial is a proud and active member of the Institute of Real Estate Management (IREM) Minnesota. In the next few months, IREM Minnesota is offering commercial real estate management professionals a full slate of professional and personal development opportunities. Here’s a look at what’s coming up in the second quarter of 2021.

Online – Asphalt and Concrete Maintenance | April 28

Starting a concrete or asphalt project this year? Don’t miss Asphalt and Concrete Maintenance on April 28 with two experts from Asphalt and Concrete Solutions. You’ll learn about the basics of asphalt and concrete and learn what to consider when planning, installing, and maintaining asphalt and concrete surfaces at your property. Eligible for 1 hour of continuing real estate education credit.

Enroll in the virtual training on the IREM Website.

Online – The Case of Rotting Roofs | May 11

This training takes a close look at a curious case of a non-leaky but rotting roof as a way to understand moisture build-up, vapor drive, vapor and air barriers, and other roof moisture issues. Learn how to assess moisture in your roof. Eligible for 1 hour of continuing real estate education credit pending Minnesota Department of Commerce approval.

Enroll in the session on the IREM website.

Online – How Property Managers Can Emerge Stronger and Healthier from Adversity | May 18

It’s been a tough year for commercial property managers. In this hour-long session, work with executive coach Matt Norman to increase your awareness of how you relate to your team, your tenants, and yourself and your work. Learn how to make choices in difficult circumstances and avoid anxiety and dysfunction. Eligible for 1 hour of continuing real estate education credit pending Minnesota Department of Commerce approval.

Register on the IREM website.

Clarity Commercial owner Mel Schultz, CPM®, CCIM, CCAM, is an active member of IREM and is passionate about continuing education in the commercial real estate industry. For more information about IREM and how our participation in the organization helps you, contact Clarity Commercial today